If your hair has started to thin or shed, take a deep breath. Until you know why your hair loss is happening, you won’t know what to expect. Once you’ve had a comprehensive hair and scalp analysis with a professional hair-loss consultant, you can start narrowing down your options and taking action. At Images of Princeton, we’re here to be a resource for you—providing information, connecting you with solutions, and supporting you through this process. We have helped countless women in the Hamilton Township, NJ area as they seek total hair restoration—and we are standing ready to help you, as well.

There are different causes of female hair loss, and as such, there are a number of potential hair loss treatments for women. One of the most popular is the female hair system. Each system is completely customized to meet the client’s needs, and to provide a full and healthy head of natural hair. Your system can be made with whatever color, texture, density, length, and style you want. We can even customize the direction of the hair.

For women whose hair loss is not quite as far advanced, we provide extensions and toppers, which add supplemental volume and length. And, women’s wigs are available for those who are going through a period of medically induced hair loss.

The important thing to know is that, while hair loss can be discouraging, it never has to be permanent. No matter the extent and no matter the underlying cause of your thinning hair, we can always help you find a solution for total hair restoration. We are here to be your allies and to point you toward the best hair restoration options.

Get a FREE Confidential Consultation

Schedule a FREE consultation and learn more about your hair restoration options.

At Images of Princeton Hair Restoration in NJ, we help men and women take control over hair loss. Our discreet hair studios are a place where you’ll find real answers and options that inspire action. Each member of our consulting team has gone through hair loss and knows firsthand how hard it is to find a solution. We keep things casual and friendly, and we stick to the facts to find the option that fits how you want to deal with your hair. Stop feeling stuck with your hair loss. Schedule a FREE professional consultation at Images of Princeton today.


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